Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cupcakes for Missions!

There are two types of givers: givers and exceptional givers.

It has been proven that Louisiana Tech University has a slew of exceptional givers! The Venue (on-campus ministry) put together Cupcakes for Missions, accepting donations to send to The ACTS Bible School in the Philippines.

The event was a true success despite the skepticism about accepting donations in exchange for sweets on a college campus. Let’s face it, most college kids feel that they don’t have two pennies to rub together, but it was evident that God moved on the hearts of many to give more than usual. As I sat behind that booth, I witnessed many students drop 10s and 20s into the donation bag for one cupcake. I was truly amazed.
We often feel the world around us is so very wicked, and it is, but it blessed me to see God’s love being shown through the giving of others. People gave of their money to perfect strangers living 10,000 miles away… and they gave cheerfully, with happy hearts!
Thanks to the sweet tooth and loving hearts of Techsters, we raised $300!!! Thank you Jesus!
I had a blast getting to meet and talk with students I had never met before. This is Peace, she is an international student and also a track member. She came back twice, then stayed around for the longest to talk about her experience of school in other countries. She said that Americans are blessed beyond measure. I believe her! Peace also said that seeing this event sparked inspiration in her to do something for a cause.

This girl pulled her boyfriend over to our booth and leaned over to whisper "donate!" It was cute.
Just getting set up! The lady in the back knows my life story and I know hers (and she has my order memorized :)
Brittany with her Philippine flag cupcake!
James with his flag cupcake.

(Callie and more Tech students)

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome! So glad you posted this... goes to show that we can all do SOMETHING!!!
